Leandra Drumm on The Devil Strip's Cover
It's a big day in #teamdrumm world as our very own Leandra Drumm is featured in a multi-page article in The Devil Strip AND her pewter work also graces the cover! PLUS our pewter manager, Melanie Mohler, has her first article for them published, highlighting Woodland Acre Flowers (see last photo).
The article lovingly crafted by Susan Pappas, goes into detail about some of Leandra's most found memories, like summers growing up exploring Penland School of Crafts while her parents Don & Lisa were busy teaching.
What you may not know about Leandra is what career she was considering instead of an art focus, but you'll have to read the article to see. And if you're curious about the future of the gallery beyond Don & Lisa, Leandra dives into a bit of that too!
Enjoy reading and don't forget to go downtown to check out her collaboration with Hey Mavis! as The Curated Storefront enlarged their book to giant canvases.
THE DEVIL STRIP - March 2021
READ : Leandra's Cover & Feature Article >
READ : Melanie's article on Woodland Acre Flowers Farm >
SHOP : Leandra's Home Sweet Home Wall Sculpture >